Importance of Remote Sensing and GIS POST 2

Compiled By: Rauf Tabassum

Importance of Remote Sensing and GIS

Geographical Information system & Remote Sensing is a vital technology in any evolving national Infrastructure planning environment. Therefore, it’s a collection, interpretation, analysis, managing, storing and distribution of Geospatial data. It is very much important for urban planning activities & environmental improvement.

Efficient urban information system is a vital pre-requisite for planned development. The increasing demands in urban planning and management sectors call for co-ordinate application of Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) for sustainable development of Urban areas. There is an urgent need to adopt Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System approach in Infrastructure development. And monitoring process for implementing pragmatic plan of Urban development. The plan must incorporate an integrated approach of spatial modeling using Remote Sensing Data, GIS database and GPS solutions. This helps in evolving efficient and economical models for development and location of industries, education, housing, water supply, and service facility and disposal system.

The availability of high resolution data like WorldView-1 (0.5m), Worldview-2 (0.46m), Quickbird (0.6m) & Ikonos (1m) Resolution image satellites has revolutionized the process of masterplan map preparation & thematic mapping and spatial data base creation, specially, in the context of urban and regional planning. Whereas the technologies such as GIS has emerged as a powerful tool in integrating and analyzing the various thematic layers along with attribute information to create various planning scenarios for decision making . Remote Sensing (RS) data provides reliable, timely, accurate, and periodic data, while Geographic Information System (GIS) provide various methods of integration tools to create different planning scenarios for decision making. Therefore, the task force on urban and rural studies setup by the Planning Commission suggested the use of RS and GIS techniques for meeting the information and analysis needs of urban areas.

A Geographic Information System (GIS) may be defined as .a computer based information system which attempts to capture, store, manipulate, analyze and display spatial and tabular attribute data, for solving research, planning and management problems." A GIS is a special case of information systems where the database consists of observations in space as points, lines or areas Within a GIS distinct point, line and polygon layers are displayed together much like overhead transparencies on a projector to create maps A Geographic Information System (GIS) centrally stores information about the world in a collection of digital map layers. Rather than having information in many formats stored in multiple places like filing cabinets, different computer systems, large binders or static paper maps, a GIS pulls together very different pieces of information into one system. These map layers may be over-laid and linked together to create maps, integrate information, visualize and compare scenarios, solve problems, and more effectively manage resources. 

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